One thing I want you to know about United Radio is:
Our culture. Whenever I have to make a difficult decision, I look at our core beliefs. Undoubtedly, the answer is always there and I can be proud and confident of my decision. Our greatest asset is our people, following our core beliefs ensures they are treated that way.
Who is someone you admire, and why?
My father. I grew up watching him interact with people. He always knew what to say or talk about that showed people that he cared. I was always impressed seeing others go to him for answers or feedback when needed.
What makes you the happiest at work?
Watching an employee be successful at his or her job. To see an employee’s face light up as they are explaining to you what they have accomplished motivates me to try even harder to make them successful on a daily basis.
I know more about this than most anyone:
If I know more about something that someone else, I am failing as a leader. My job is to make sure I communicate what I know and what I have learned to those around me so they are able to make the right decisions.
When not at work, you’ll probably find me doing this:
Spending time with family and pets. I also enjoy hunting, fishing and spending time in the woods.
Looking into the future, the one thing I’m most excited about for United Radio is:
Our ability to create opportunities where one may not exist. The breadth of what we do here covers many different industries and customers. Collectively, we are always able to find solutions.
What are some causes you care about and why?
Make-A-Wish. I was introduced to this organization some years ago after watching a presentation on what they do. I was so amazed and impressed with what they do for these kids and their families. I was touched very deeply by this. Victory for Vets. This organization helps train and place service dogs for our returning vets. Tremendous cause and great people.