United Radio recognizes National Leadership day

Editor’s note: The following is from the National Day Calendar:

“National Leadership Day is set aside to acknowledge the power of leadership. Every year, on February 20th, we recognize the impact that leaders make in people’s lives as they seek to develop themselves and others.

When you think about it, in every relationship, one person influences another, whether a parent or child, spouse or friend, student or teacher, employer or employee. In our everyday interactions with one another, someone is leading or influencing the other to do something or become something. This means that anyone can be a leader, whether you have a title or not.

When we talk about leadership, we know that leadership is about growth – for yourself, your relationships, your productivity, and your people. To lead well, you must embrace your need for continual improvement so that you can be the best leader you can be.

The observance aims to empower people to help others and be change agents and difference makers in someone’s life. This is the opportunity we have on National Leadership Day: To show people what it means to be a good leader and inspire them to be a positive force of change in another person’s life.”

What does leadership look like at United Radio?

  • Consistently demonstrate the United Radio core values.
  • Demonstrate a genuine care for others.
  • Positively influence others beyond that afforded by role or position.

How can you grow your leadership skills?

  • Set Goals. Take some time to understand where you want to go as a leader. Then, you can create milestones for yourself.
  • Take a Brainier course! There are multiple courses in Brainier that relate to leadership skills.
  • Read a new book. Whether you like to listen to books or read a physical book – there’s a lot to learn! You can find general leadership books, like the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell, or more specific books like Start With Why by Simon Sinek. Start With Why focuses on how leaders inspire others.
  • Connect with other leaders! United Radio has a large network of leaders. You can identify leaders you respect, and talk with them about leadership, our core values, or specific skills.  
  • Apply for the Leadership Development Program. The Leadership Development Program (LDP) teaches what leadership looks like at United Radio. Any United Radio employee can apply to LDP this August!
  • Find resources on EAP. Our EAP has training videos to help with your leadership journey. They also offer professional coaching.

Anyone can take steps to grow as a leader. An important part of leadership is recognizing that everyone is on a different part of their leadership journey. We can honor this by supporting each other and helping others grow!
